If you have any questions that you were not able to find the answer to here, please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Are you a Current or Prospective Coaching Client?
Send email to coaching@breakingchainzproject.org
Interested in having BCP Speak at your Event?
Send email to info@breakingchainzproject.org with the subject line: Speaker Request
Interested in a BCP-Facilitated Training?
Send email to info@breakingchainzproject.org with the subject line: Training Request
Interested In Volunteering?
Send email to volunteer@breakingchainzproject.org
Interested in subscribing to receive BCP Updates?
Send email to info@breakingchainzproject.org with the subject line: Keep Me Updated
Media Inquiries – Journalist or Publicist?
Please email Robyn D. Beck, CEO directly at rbeck@breakingchainzproject.org
Supporting the Movement with your gifts?
Please email Katharine LaBoy, CFO/COO at klaboy@breakingchainzproject.org